Monday, June 25, 2012


Like many of us, I have an email account.  Actually, I have several. I have a couple official email addresses for business, but one account I have had for years, and is my "default" email address.  More times than not, that address will be the one given if I have to sign up for anything, give an email address for contact, receive discounts, receive recipes, etc. Unfortunately, I don't spend a lot of time reading every single email immediately, and the amount of email there has grown immensely. Yesterday, to help alleviate some of the bulk, I began to clean it out.

As I began deleting email, I started paying attention to who was sending me information. Did I really want to continue to receive communication from this company or service?  If I did not, I should not be content to just delete that email - I needed to "unsubscribe" to receiving it. To do so stops all communication whatsoever.  No more junk mail. No more clutter. Much less stress and work for me to be able to weed out what I wanted to read from what was taking over my inbox.

I loved it.  The more I hit "unsubscribe", the more I felt a sense of empowerment and release.

Why mention this, you ask?  Because it occurred to me that my life is a lot like my email account. Many people want to speak into my life. People want to give me advice, counsel, ways to help me live my life, grow by businesses, or improve in some way.  Some want to sell me something. Inherently, none of these things are wrong - but they can distract me from what is really important, and from what I really want (or need) to hear.

I am sure it is the same way for you, as well. We are constantly bombarded with information. With sales pitches. With contact from someone who means well. With contact from people who don't mean well! Quickly our minds can become inundated - so full of stuff that we no longer can hear from the voice that not only wants the best for us, but knows how to provide it, as well.

We need to choose to "unsubscribe".  You don't have to allow just anyone to speak into your life!  In fact, you shouldn't.  If your "friends", business acquaintances or family try to tell you that you are worthless, incompetent or without value - you don't have to accept that! There is a sense of relief, empowerment and contentment when you simply say - "No. That input no longer has a place in my life." Instead, choose to fill your "inbox" with positivity. For example -  did you know that God thinks you are awesome? It's true, the Bible says that he "delights" in you!  Zephaniah 3:17 says "The Lord your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing." Would you like more affirmation?  Trust me, there is much more where that came from! The Bible is full of messages of God's love for you. Feel free to email me if you need more proof!

I pray today that you will "unsubscribe" to the distractions and the negativity!  Allow the positive voice of the one who delights in you fill the inbox of your life.

Have a blessed day!